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Pastor Rhon Roberts

Pastor, 35 years

We would like to recommend to you Stephen and Christina Rains as missionaries to the country of Kenya, East Africa.


Both Stephen and Christina have grown up in godly Christian homes and have been in church all their lives. Ever since they were saved as young children, they have sought to live their lives well-pleasing unto the Lord. Instead of rebelling through their teen years, they were godly and were focused on serving the Lord with their lives.


Stephen has demonstrated a faithful spirit as he has grown up in Mukwonago Baptist Church. Throughout his life he always gladly participated in church work days, visitation, and activities. He also faithfully attended the church services, using his God-given talents to edify the body through music, teaching, and ministering to other believers.  He was a careful listener and wanted to know what the Bible said so that he could apply it to his life. He still demonstrates that spirit of wanting to be faithful to God and His Word in every area of life.


Stephen is a man of convictions and principle. He has a real sense of the fear of the Lord. He and Christina are raising their children with that same love for the things of the Lord in which they themselves were raised. They have godly convictions in dress, music, propriety, and separation from the world, as well as convictions in other key areas. They show evidences of a real sense of the discernment of the Holy Spirit.


Stephen and Christina understand the principles of the local New Testament church. They have always sought to do all they could to serve in the local church—being faithful in attendance, serving in areas of the physical ministry and the music ministry, teaching in Sunday School, and participating in soulwinning and discipleship. Understanding the authority of the local church, Stephen and Christina recognize the biblical importance of being accountable to their local church and of reproducing churches of like kind. As a church, we are glad to be able to send them out to the mission field, and we take our responsibility with gravity. As their Pastor, I will be in continual contact with them and will be visiting and helping them on the field on a regular basis. We will also provide missions housing for them while they are on deputation and furlough so that they and their family can be integrated into their home church as much as possible. As their home church, we will be supplying a minimum of $500 a month toward their support, along with other help we will provide them. We have utmost confidence in them.


Both through Bible training and Christian experience, Stephen and Christina are well prepared for ministry on the foreign field. Stephen graduated from Maranatha Baptist Bible College with a degree in Bible and missions and also earned a Master’s degree from Baptist College of Ministry. Christina received Baptist Bible college training and is an alumna of Baptist College of Ministry. Both Stephen and Christina have had extensive experience in all aspects of the local church ministry. For seven years, Stephen faithfully served as full-time staff at Camp Joy in Whitewater, Wisconsin, with Christina joining him after they were married. Stephen has served as program director and has also been Scott Hatchett's right-hand assistant.


Stephen and Christina are very loving people and demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit in their personal lives, in their family, and in their ministry. If you have met them or have had them in your church, you will agree that they have all the marks of truly being great missionaries who will be a blessing to your church and will be effective on the foreign field. 

I have known Stephen Rains for all of his life. I have ministered to him when he was in our Jr. Church, with him when he has come to Kenya and have had him minister to me when he has had opportunities to preach in Kenya. When the Rains family came to Kenya in 2012/13 I was able to get to know Christina and the children as well.


Stephen is a young man of character who was raised in a godly home and in a solid Independent Baptist church. He and Christina seek to raise their children for Christ following Biblical principles.


On both a personal and a ministry level I highly and unhesitatingly recommend Stephen and Christina Rains to you as missionary appointees to Kenya East Africa. Our family looks forward to having the Rains Family join our ministry team in Kenya.

Dr. Richard Simonsen

Missionary in Kenya since 1988

Michael Rains

Missionary in Kenya since 2000

Thanks for your time and concern for missions.  I have known Stephen for a long time – he’s my brother!  For many years the Lord has been working in his heart about serving Him in church planting on a foreign field.  While growing up our parents taught us children to use our lives to serve God.  They taught us this both by their words and example.  Thankfully Stephen has caught this burden and his wife, Christina, has that same desire to serve God wherever He leads them.

Stephen and Christina have grown up faithfully serving the Lord in their local churches.  Stephen majored in missions in Bible college where his main missions teacher had been a long-time missionary to Kenya.  Then, while serving as program director at a Baptist camp Stephen had the opportunity to complete his master’s degree in Bible, so he has a good foundation in local-church and camp ministry coupled with good theological training.  These are real pluses for effective ministry on a foreign field.

Stephen has had the opportunity to minister in Kenya on two occasions already.  The first (2005) was when he was single and doing his missions internship as part of his Bible college training.  The second time was for two months (December 2012 – January 2013) with his wife and their three children.

Having spent time here in Kenya, Stephen and Christina have a good taste of what it is like to live in Kenya.  They were able to minister in many ways while here and believe the Lord is leading them back to serve full-time in Kenya.  They plan to assist us here in establishing churches by evangelism, teaching and preaching the Bible, developing the music ministries of churches and helping to teach church leaders in our Bible college.

They are both gifted musically and their assistance in the area of God-honoring music will be a huge asset to the work here in Kenya.  That is a HUGE struggle for many churches here in Kenya.  Having someone that can sing well, play instruments, lead singing and choirs will be a huge help in developing God-honoring music in Kenyan churches.

As they are now on deputation I would like to encourage you to prayerfully consider asking your church to support Stephen’s family financially coupled with prayer.



Find us: 

1610 Honeywell Road, Mukwonago, WI 53149

© 2013 by The Rains Family

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