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Birthdays: Stephen 3/26, Christina 4/5, Levi 7/8, Brooklyn 9/27, Amberlee 7/13, Andrew 5/22

Stephen & Christina's Anniversary 9/26





The Lord began working in my heart about my need of salvation at a very young age. God graciously allowed me to be born into a godly, Christian home where I repeatedly heard the gospel and much Bible truth from day one. At the age of 3, I attended a couple of funerals that were held at our church, Mukwonago Baptist Church. The Lord used these funerals to begin convicting me about eternity and my need of salvation. On January 12, 1987 I realized my need of salvation and trusted Christ alone to forgive me of my sins and give me eternal life. I praise the Lord for His marvelous gift of Salvation!

As I grew in the Lord, He showed me my need to be a committed disciple of Jesus Christ.  I followed the Lord in believer’s baptism and fully surrendered my heart to do whatever God led me to do. As a child, the Lord clearly used the godly testimony of my parents, pastor and a missionary to Kenya, sent from our church, to begin burdening my heart for Kenya. After completing a B. A. in Missions, the Lord led me to start my Masters Degree while serving full-time as the Program Director at Camp Joy in Whitewater, WI and being heavily involved in ministry at church.

The Lord did an amazing work in allowing me to meet my wonderful wife Christina in the fall of 2007. We were married on September 26, 2008.

Our family was able to take a two-month survey trip to Kenya at the end of 2012. The Lord led my older brother and his family to Kenya in 2000 and is leading us to team up with them in church planting and training nationals in the Bible College.



I was privileged to grow up in a Christian home and remember hearing the gospel from a very early age. When I was seven, I realized that I was a sinner deserving of punishment in hell, and that I needed Jesus Christ to be my personal Savior. I trusted Christ as my Savior and followed the Lord in baptism shortly after that.

I surrendered my life to the Lord during a week of evangelistic meetings and had a desire to be in full-time Christian service. I was also challenged to pray for laborers because the Bible commands every Christian to do this in Matthew 9:38.

During my Bible college years the Lord continued working in my heart and increasing the burden for full-time ministry. In my Introduction to Missions class, the Lord opened my eyes to the need for the gospel to be spread around the world and I sensed that I would eventually be on the mission field. However, I did not know any of the specifics yet. At the end of 2007, the Lord miraculously led Stephen and I together. Stephen shared with me the burden the Lord had given him for Kenya when he was just a young boy. The pieces were all starting to come together! We were married in the fall of 2008. Through much prayer concerning God's will and counsel from our Pastor, we believe God is leading us to minister in Kenya, East Africa.



Find us: 

1610 Honeywell Road, Mukwonago, WI 53149

© 2013 by The Rains Family

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